The Art of War by Sun Tzu is not just a "guy's book" because battle occurs everyday and being a mom by night and a teacher by day - I have to be strategic. My personal Sun Tzu quote is this:
"If you are indulgent, but unable to make your authority felt; kind-hearted, but unable to enforce your commands; and incapable, moreover, of quelling disorder: then your soldiers must be likened to spoilt children; they are useless for any practical purpose."
This quote more than any other makes me reflect on discipline and love and how often I'm guilty of not making my authority felt out of too much love for my birthed children. My students, who I care for deeply, are better served by Sun Tzu strategy because it is there I am consistent with policies set in place at the beginning of the school year. This quote along with...
"You have to believe in yourself."
...enables me as a leader at home and at school. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to find the leader within themselves.